December 06, 2012

Lesson 56: Finals Encouragement

I should be studying for the Genesis - Joshua final I am taking tomorrow. I only have 115 pages of notes to master. No. Big. Deal.

Instead, I'm listening to hymns reminding myself of why I'm doing all this studying in the first place.

Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in this world. 

I get chills thinking about my classmates, their families, and their life work that they will be engaged in in the next few years as we all leave seminary. All Christians are a part of the royal priesthood and have immediate access to our Father. And yet, some have been set apart for the purpose of teaching and leading the church. This is who Mark and I are in community with in seminary, listening, learning, studying, working, and preparing.

And right now, these guys (and girls) are in the midst of some pretty difficult exams. If you think to this week, pray for them (and us).

This song by Keith and Kristyn Getty always gets me. Sorry that the images are a bit corny. Just pay attention to the words and friends, remember again the purpose of our lives.

By Faith

Lesson Learned: The Lord is good and faithful, enabling us to complete the task which he has given to us.

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